Stress is a body condition that occurs in response to actual or anticipated threats or difficulties in life. It is due to the body’s instinct to defend itself from internal and external factors or events—good or bad. It is very crucial as it protects people in various instances by priming the body to quickly respond to unpleasant situations. Yes, stress isn’t entirely bad. However, if it becomes continuous and goes on far too long, it can profoundly affect your psychosomatic system.

Moreover, stress is part and parcel of life. This is primarily because of the increasing demands and pressure that work, family, and relationships are unconsciously imposing on people. Since there are a lot of causes of stress that are unavoidable, the only way to deal with it is through stress management.
Stress management works in the principle of reducing stress to an optimum level, wherein it is just enough to keep you motivated but not overly exhausted and burned out.
There are many ways by which you can eliminate stress with simple stress management. Although there are certain tools that require comprehensive practice and development, you can still rid your body from the stress that leads to all sorts of negative outcomes. Here are some simple, yet effective ways to manage stress.
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- Know your stressors. The first step in any successful stress management plan is to know the reasons why you are feeling stressed out. Is it because a co-worker gave you a bad remark about your performance? Are you going through a major life change like entering college or giving birth to a baby? There are many stressors that can make you feel a little over the edge. Stressors can be external (from environment: work-related, relationships) or internal (emotions, aesthetic cravings, desires).
- Calm your mind. Though this may sound a little difficult when you are actually faced with an adverse situation, it definitely helps to have a clear your mind so that you can focus on how to act accordingly. The easiest and best way to do this is by taking deep and slow abdominal breaths which can help you cool off. Make sure that you do not overdo it; otherwise, you will end up hyperventilating. Five-second intervals are good enough. For example, inhale for five seconds and then hold it for another five seconds. Exhale for five seconds and then hold it again for five seconds. Repeat this one more time.
- Be optimistic. Sure enough, there are certain negative things that you cannot control. Then again, this does not necessarily mean that you cannot change the way you see the difficulties around you. In fact, most of the causes of stress are the worries that constantly run through your mind. Therefore, it is best to eliminate these worries by changing them into positive thoughts. This way, you will be able to act more confidently, given a demanding situation.
Opt for a diet void of stress stimulants. Yes, this means that you have to cut back on caffeine or nicotine. These substances cause an increased heart rate which makes you feel stressed out even without the presence of threats.